
Real time visibility


Productivity uplift


Estimated hours of productivity uplift across a single business, equating to £2.56 million in savings


Million estimated saving identified for large waste water customer

Operational efficiency beyond reactive mitigation

Go beyond reactive problem solving with AI-driven actionable insights throughout entire workflows so you can make decisions proactively.


Accelerated risk assessment

AI-powered video analysis swiftly detects potential hazards, empowering workers to promptly address risks and avert costly delays or accidents.

Streamlined communication

A centralised platform interconnects all stakeholders along a unified digital thread, thereby diminishing miscommunication, rework, and lost productivity.

Paperless forms and checklists

The elimination of manual data entry, paper-related expenses, and time wastage allows for an unwavering focus on task completion rather than form completion.

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With FYLD, our teams are now being proactive and engaged with every job that they are on, which has made them safer and more efficient."

Anthony Palmer
Construction Site Safety Manager
What our customers say
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