
Real time visibility


Reduction in incidents and injuries


ROI delivered across all sectors & use cases

FYLD for operations

On average, 30% of jobs are stopped due to unforeseen issues, equating to hours of delays. 20% of a field worker’s day is wasted on paper processes, clunky solutions, and unseen admin. Leaner, more productive workforces are in your reach.


FYLD offers end-to-end visibility into field work and frontline operations that you can use to minimise job blockers, support safety improvements, and remove associated time impacts.

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FYLD for safety

Safety shouldn’t be something you budget for. On average, 20% of jobs are insufficiently planned and a lack of training creates rework and avoidable safety incidents.


FYLD offers chat, video evidencing, and AI-powered safety insights that support best practices, adherence to protocols, and efficient interactions between teams.

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